Friday, July 13, 2012

Aristophanes, The Clouds

Alright, so I know I haven't been doing the best at giving you guys updates on what I'm doing so I'm going to try to catch everyone up. This past friday I went to a performance of Aristophanes, Clouds at the theater in Epidaurus.  Let me tell you, it was amazing to sit in the same place that the Ancients did and to see a show they would have seen as well.

The play was in Greek which made it difficult to follow, but it was kind of fun. I had to focus on the visual aspects of the play a lot more than I would have if they were speaking English which made for a different experience. I got the jist of the play, however, there were plenty of moments where the Greeks would laugh at a joke and I would find myself completely clueless. The audience would suddenly roar with laughter and I would look at my fellow classmates with and expression of "ha...ha?" There were plenty of moments of contagious laughter too. I might not have understood what was going on, but when the audience would laugh I would join in.

However, even though the play was quite good, my favorite part of the whole evening was looking up at the stars. Any moment when the lights would go down on stage my head would turn up to the heavens. The theater in Epidaurus was literally in the middle of no where, completely away from any large city or town. That means there were no lights to take away from the brightness of the stars. I don't think I have ever seen so many stars in my life, I was completely mesmerized. Gazing up into the dazzling evening sky made me realize why the ancient Greeks believed in so many Gods and Goddesses. How could one not think there is some greater being out there when you are looking at something so purely beautiful?

Out of all of the wonderful experiences I have gained from this trip this one will be my most treasured.

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