Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top 5 Moments in Greece

Reflecting back on Greece I am missing it quite a bit, so i decided to rank some of my favorite moments.

1) Seeing the stars at Epidauros.
--Even though this wasn't the main attraction the stars will always be engrained in my mind.

2) Lycabettus Hill
--Who could ever forget our last night in Athens? Even though it was our last night together as a group it was one of our best nights. Hiking to the top of that hill and just hanging out and taking pictures was the best.

3) Lindos at Rhodes
--Our first look at ruins was awe inspiring. I hadn't been able to comprehend that we were actually in Greece until that moment. Standing in front of massive ancient ruins was mind boggling.

4) Climbing down the cliffs of Sounion
--While the main attraction was the Temple of Poseidon the water below just looked a bit more enticing. Climbing down the side of the cliff was exhilarating and stepping into the water was refreshing. I felt like an adventurer you read about in stories. The best part was walking back up with the Kaplans through the dig site and picking up pieces of old pottery. I was actually able to hold some ancient pottery in my hands, a moment I will never forget.

5)Making great friends.
--While this may not be one specific moment there is nothing I would trade this for. I went to Greece not knowing anyone and I've come back with the best of friends I could ask for. I didn't expect anything quite like this.

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