Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Acropolis

First things to start with, I haven't had much of any frustration while I've been here; however, there is one thing that has started to drive me crazy. In the United States I had finally gotten use to ordering water at restaurants to be healthier and to lower the cost of the meal. Not only was it complimentary, but the water was never ending. Here in Greece, the idea of complimentary water seems to be as foreign as the whole country seems to us Americans. Not only do you have to pay for water when you go out, but you only get ONE bottle of water. There is no never ending supply, only one bottle of water for around the cost of about a euro. It's driving me crazy, when I go to a restaurant all I want to do is gulp down as much water as possible because of the dry climate here. From my perspective it is just a really annoying way to make more money off of one meal. However, after our first day in class Dr. Kaplan told us that there is a shortage of water here, partially due to the dry climate. With as frustrating as the non-complimentary water is, it does make since from the Greek perspective that they cannot just hand it out as freely as we do in America. It's taking some getting use too and when I get home I will be drinking as much water as I want whenever I go out to eat for free.

Anyways, this past weekend we took a tour of the Acropolis and downtown Athens. Seeing the Parthenon in all of its glory was freaking awesome; however, the view had to be the most breathtaking thing from atop the Acropolis. Even before we ascended the Acropolis we climbed the Areopagus, also know as Mars hill, which overlooked the whole of Athens. You could see from the Sea all the way across the roofs of downtown Athens.

After witnessing the Acropolis and all it had to offer we took a tour of downtown Athens. We saw the platka and the Athens flea market which are really awesome places to shop. They have almost anything you can think of there. However, I could not fully enjoy the experience because I was so tired from all of the hiking around and the heat of the day.

I'm sorry this is a really short post, but I will post a more descriptive one once I've uploaded the pictures to my computer. :)

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