Sunday, June 24, 2012

Prophecies from the past

We've only been in Greece for about a week and I have already been to the one place I was most looking forward..Delphi. The place of the Oracle and the Navel of the Earth, Delphi contains more history than the average site of ruins. Before you reach the site of the Oracle and the temple of Apollo there is a spring running from the mountain. This spring was used to "purify" pilgrims who would make the journey to receive a prophecy from the Oracle.

Becoming "purified"

After stopping at the spring we made our way to the entrance of the ruins. The scale of the site is awe inspiring and there was definitely A LOT of climbing stairs and hiking about. However, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. When walking along the path to the temple of Apollo it is amazing to think that you are sharing your steps with the faithful pilgrims of the past. Athenians, Spartans, and the average pilgrim, all of them coming with the same goal, to hear the prophecy of the Oracle. It is hard to comprehend that kind of history when you are standing right in the midst of it. 

The remnants of the temple of Apollo

The site was located on Mount Parnassus, which towers about Delphi. The view as we climbed as far as we could was absolutely breathtaking. Surrounded by all the history and gazing out over the vast mountains was a moment I will never forget. It is something that can never truly be captured in a photograph.

While we were in Delphi we also visited the archaeological museum there and the temple of Athena. Seeing the towering pillars of the temples is and extremely amazing expereince. It will always be hard for me to wrap my head around the history surrounding these ancient relics. To think that people once truly believed in the Goddess Athena and traveled from far and wide to praise her at this temple. Thinking about the Oracle, it is CRAZY all of the momentous decisions that were made at her vague prophecies and I was standing at the very site those prophecies were given. To say that this was a great experience is an understatement. It is truly a moment I will never forget, nor will I ever want to forget it.

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